Science Research Technology

Science Activities


"Science, research, technology is a way of life and 

R&D is the main field of activity of Anatolia Mining Company"


1. Developing all kinds of computer software and industrial software
2.To design, buy and sell internet and mobile application software, security software
3. Developing internet and mobile applications for all kinds of platforms, selling these applications over the internet and mobile network
4. To design, buy and sell all kinds of hardware and system software
5. To design, buy, sell all kinds of software applications
6. Commercializing all designed and developed software, making domestic and international sales, wholesale and retail sales
1. To carry out all scientific research and development activities related to physics and its sub-fields.
2. To conduct neutrino researches and to establish, sell, lease, and operate the laboratory, facility or factory necessary to carry out these.
3. To develop new communication systems and new sensing techniques, medical imaging techniques with studies of energy forms, particle physics and quantum physics.
2. To carry out research, development, innovation and innovation activities
3. Production of technological knowledge through R&D and innovation, innovation in products and production processes
to increase product quality, increase productivity, reduce costs,
carry out activities that will enable the commercialization of technological knowledge
4. To conduct research and development in all kinds of technical subjects, basic sciences, natural sciences and all kinds of engineering sciences
5. To conduct research and development on information and communication technologies, biotechnology and gene technologies, material technologies, nanotechnology, design technologies, mechatronics, robotics, production and process technologies, energy and environmental technologies.
6. Commercializing the research and development subjects, making domestic and international sales.
1. To provide services in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics Engineering, Control Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Energy Engineering and other engineering fields.
2. To make all kinds of engineering projects and applications
3. To provide all kinds of engineering, consultancy and consultancy services.
4. To provide consultancy on plan project technical accounts
5. To carry out studies, research, feasibility projects
6. To provide technical information support and technical training services
7. Developing, producing, buying, selling, marketing, importing and exporting occupational health

and safety equipment
8. To carry out occupational health and safety measurements, machine equipment and periodical

maintenance and to provide consultancy services in this field.


Contact:  science@anatoliamining.comspace and planet MINING CONSULTANCY

ABOUT anatolıa

Ayc Anatolia Ore Mining Ltd. is a universal company operating in the fields of scientific research and development, technology, mining, consultancy, education, agency and media, agriculture.

Our company's scientific and technological research activities


To carry out all scientific research and development activities related to physics and its sub-fields.To conduct neutrino researches and to establish, sell, lease, and operate the laboratory, facility or factory necessary to carry out these.To develop new communication systems and new sensing techniques, medical imaging techniques with studies of energy forms, particle physics and quantum physics. 

To carry out research, development, innovation and innovation activities. Production of technological knowledge through R&D and innovation, innovation in products and production processes to increase product quality, increase productivity, reduce costs, carry out activities that will enable the commercialization of technological knowledge. To conduct research and development in all kinds of technical subjects, basic sciences, natural sciences and all kinds of engineering sciences. To conduct research and development on information and communication technologies, biotechnology and gene technologies, material technologies, nanotechnology, design technologies, mechatronics, robotics, production and process technologies, energy and environmental technologies.



Contact: science@anatoliamining.com



about anatolıa

As Ayc Anatolia Ore Mining Research Technology Science company, we are starting the project development studies for space mining. Consultancy support will be given to those ...

mınıng actıvıtıes

- Extracting, operating, purchasing and leasing underground, surface and space mineral and natural resources, provided that permission is obtained from the necessary places.
- Obtaining a mining exploration license, ...

r&d actıvıtıes

To carry out all scientific research and development activities related to physics and its sub-fields.
To conduct neutrino researches and to establish, sell, lease, and operate the laboratory, facility or factory necessary to carry out these 