Science Research Technology

Consultancy Activities


Ayc Anatolia Ore Mining offers the most suitable planning solutions for your company.


Financial consultancy, occupational health and safety consultancy, Project development consultancy, Real Estate Consulting, Management Consulting, Production Consulting, Human Resources Consulting, Marketing Consulting, Finance and Accounting Consulting, Purchasing Consulting, R&D Consulting,  Administrative Management Consulting, International Transactions Consulting, Informatics Consultancy, Feasibility and Business Plan Preparation Consultancy, Turnkey Factory Establish, Mining Establishment and Machine Layout Consultancy, Training Consultancy, Grant and Fund Consulting, Climate studies, energy and agricultural areas determination, Remote sensing and Geographical Information systems To provide consultancy in all areas of commercial life such as field studies, city and regional planning studies, underground resources and earthquake researches, City information systems consultancy, Space mining project development studies consultancy, Project Management Consultancy, Trademark and Patent Consultancy within the scope of its studies. Preparing Bitcoin and derivative sub-coins projects and investment consultancy, producing and offering them for sale on stock exchanges and similar platforms, and acting as an intermediary for buying and selling.

Contact: consultancy@anatoliamining.com






Your projects

If you want your own projects to be prepared by our R&D team, you can contact our R&D, Project Promotion and Sales Manager. All your requested projects are prepared on a turnkey basis, taking into account your copyrights and patent rights. Our company is sensitive about the security of all your projects whose intellectual rights belong to you. You can contact us for your project offers.

Contact: project@sundayneutronics.com




ABOUT anatolıa

Ayc Anatolia Ore Mining Ltd. is a universal company operating in the fields of scientific research and development, technology, mining, consultancy, education, agency and media, agriculture.

Space Mining Projects

As Ayc Anatolia Ore Mining Research Technology Science company, we are starting the project development studies for space mining. Consultancy support will be given to those who plan to do space mining by conducting R&D studies on the development of systems for the extraction of minerals in planets and stars. If we reach the targeted turnovers within the scope of our company's vision, we will actually start the space mining works. In today's conditions, the first step to be taken on behalf of space mining will be to work on meteorites that come to visit our planet. As Ayc Anatolia Ore Mining company, it is our biggest goal to take our place in the space mining adventure, which will start with asteroids in our orbit and continue with meteorites and planets in the solar system. It is our company's vision to be beneficial to humanity and to reach solutions for humanity with our team that we will carry out simulation researches. As Ayc Anatolia Ore company, we are trying to accelerate space mining by sharing the information we will obtain and the projects we will develop with all companies and organizations working in this field. 


Contact: spacemining@anatoliamining.com



about anatolıa

As Ayc Anatolia Ore Mining Research Technology Science company, we are starting the project development studies for space mining. Consultancy support will be given to those ...

mınıng actıvıtıes

- Extracting, operating, purchasing and leasing underground, surface and space mineral and natural resources, provided that permission is obtained from the necessary places.
- Obtaining a mining exploration license, ...

r&d actıvıtıes

To carry out all scientific research and development activities related to physics and its sub-fields.
To conduct neutrino researches and to establish, sell, lease, and operate the laboratory, facility or factory necessary to carry out these 